
Showing posts from November, 2015

Towards Natural Delivery: A week with Dr Rick Porter and Professor Lesley Page

Last week I got the opportunity to spend some time with Dr Porter and Professor Page . Dr Rick Porter is a renowned obstetrician in London and Professor Page is the President of the Royal College of Midwives in UK. They both were here to share their rich experience with us at #SitaramBhartia hospital. Discussion focused on some unique clinical cases, some suspicious CTGs. Obstetricians often have to take difficult decisions eg. in preterm babies. We got an insights on how they approach such situations, how they communicate, how an open door policy exists in keeping parents involved during the pregnancy while keeping in mind the medico-legal aspects. Our pregnant mothers too had an interactive session with Professor Page. She along with our team of physiotherapists and educators guided the expecting parents on different postures, massages and exercises during labour, that substantially help reduce labor pains. Pregnant mothers emerged from the workshop confident and fear...