Are figure enhancing herbal supplements safe?
Today I would like to talk about one of the most debilitating fads of our times – The inexorable pressure to look good. While studies after studies have shown that an internally healthy body also looks “good”, more often than not young women are encouraged to take the short cut via peer pressure, TV ads etc. Apart from concerns about pimples, wrinkles, obesity or thin body frame there are more persistent body concerns that may have serious long term health impact. Let me tell you about a case I got few months back. A young girl of about 25yrs had come to me for infertility. During the course of investigations all her routine tests were normal but the liver enzymes were found to be high. More investigations were done, number of gastroenterologists and other specialists were consulted but neither any reason was found for such high levels nor did the levels come down with time. One fine day during a casual chat she mentioned that her friend had got her some ‘herbal pills...