Are figure enhancing herbal supplements safe?

Today I would like to talk about one of the most debilitating fads of our times – The inexorable pressure to look good. While studies after studies have shown that an internally healthy body also looks “good”, more often than not young women are encouraged to take the short cut via peer pressure, TV ads etc.

Apart from concerns about pimples, wrinkles, obesity or thin body frame there are more persistent body concerns that may have serious long term health impact.

Let me tell you about a case I got few months back. A young girl of about 25yrs had come to me for infertility. During the course of investigations all her routine tests were normal but the liver enzymes were found to be high. More investigations were done, number of gastroenterologists and other specialists were consulted but neither any reason was found for such high levels nor did the levels come down with time.

One fine day during a casual chat she mentioned that her friend had got her some ‘herbal pills’ for bust growth. She had been consuming them for the last past two years. It never crossed her mind to tell this to any of the doctors, despite being asked repeatedly about regular medications as she never considered them as a medication. Once she told me “Come on Doctor, these are not hormonal pills. It is a natural, harmless supplement. No acidity, diarrhea and I have actually gained good results”.
I asked her to stop it immediately. Within six months not only did the liver enzymes come down to normal but also she conceived spontaneously.

I have come across increasing number of young women coming for solutions to small breast size. They are ready to try anything for getting the curves.

Do herbal pills help increase the size?

This is what some of the major journals/institutions have to say -
“There can be serious drug interactions with herbal supplements” – Mayo Clinic
“They are extensively promoted, easily available and are proposed to be natural and cheaper alternatives (compared to plastic surgery) for increase in bust size. Millions are using them. But there is inadequate scientific evidence to support its safety and efficacy”. – International Journal of Clinical Practice

What are these herbal supplements?
Usually they are plant or fungus derived chemicals that mimic estrogen (the female hormone which increases breast size). Most of the commercial pills have some 20 or more different types of herbs. I will briefly discuss a few of the commonly used ingredients that are found in “medicines” that claim to enhance breast size.

Black Cohosh: Its very widely used in these pills and has been studied the most. Clinical and lab studies have confirmed that there are no changes in estrogen activity after its ingestion. In other words they are ineffective.

Zearalenone: It’s a chemical derived from a toxic fungus which resembles estrogen, however it also stimulates breast cancer cells and affects fertility.

Kava: This has been associated with liver damage.

Don Quai: This may increase chances of breast cancer.

Hops, Fenugreek (Methi) and wild yam (Ratalu): Studies have not proved them to be effective. 

Is there a solution?
While there are surgically implanted breast prosthesis, they are primarily used after breast tissues were damaged by trauma or after breast removal, as in cancer. Their increase has gone up primarily for the cosmetic purpose of increasing the size – what with celebrity endorsement!
India too has seen a boom in implant surgeries. 

Results vary, complications vary. I am attaching the link about what the FDA says regarding their safety - Link. All women should go through this before deciding for a breast implant. In a nutshell -
  • ·        The more the duration of implant in the body, more the possibility that it has to be taken out.
  • ·        They are not lifetime devices.
  • ·        Tears, contractures, pain, bleeding, infection, asymmetry, wrinkling, need for re-surgery or implant removal are some of the complications that may occur.

Myths and Facts
1.     Myth: Breasts can be increased in size with drugs.  
Fact: In a normal menstruating girl drugs are not used for enhancement of breast size. Hormones given without specific needs cause substantial side effects. Only in cases where girls who have not attained puberty and breasts haven't developed at all, hormones are used by expert gynecologists for the same.

2.     Myth: Small breasts may compromise the amount of milk production after childbirth.
Fact: Size of breasts are determined by the amount of fat tissue. Milk is produced by mammary glands and lactation is influenced by hormonal factors and stress. So don’t worry about the size. The mammary glands are sufficient in all women to support breastfeeding. 
3.     Myth: Exercises will stimulate breast growth.
Fact: Certain exercises are there which tone up the pectorals (muscles under the breast).  The amount of fat remains the same. The toned chest muscles may give an appearance of fuller breasts. However such exercises have to be done persistently over a long period of time to get some results.

So in essence, no doctor can give you the “magic pill” to increase your bust size. Instead focus on healthy diet, regular exercise and the right mental state, they will go much further than any cosmetic treatment.
You must have read the recent news about a 19-year-old acid attack survivor walking the ramp in New York fashion week. To me she is the epitome of inner beauty rediscovered. A revenge acid attack had destroyed her eye and scarred her complete face. Imagine the confidence to walk the ramp with one eye and a scarred face.

Now that is the confidence which every woman should have, whether 28, 30 or 32.


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